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GymBC Assumption of Risks/Waiver Policy for Uplifter-using clubs

If you use Uplifter's policies tool and wish to import the GymBC Assumption of Risks/Waiver form for your members (reminder, this form is to be completed annually, once per membership year), you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to your club's Uplifter portal and log in
  2. Navigate to Settings → Configure Gymnastics BC Connection
  3. Click the GBC Participant Policies tab
  4. Select the desired listing to expand the options
  5. Click Add

Once completed you will find the policy listed among your own policies via Settings → Policies. 


See Uplifter’s help article on Policies:

Uplifter also has a "Feature Fridays" webinar on the policies feature, and you can find the video here: if you'd like to check it out.

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